Weather Station at, Kinsale, Ireland

Current Weather Conditions -- Aimsir Reatha

08-September-2024 03:43

Current Conditions
Outside Temperature 16.1°C
Wind Chill 16.1°C
Heat Index 16.0°C
Dewpoint 14.1°C
Humidity 88%
Barometer 1007.8 hPa
Barometer Trend (3 hours) -0.9 hPa
Wind 7 knots from 338° (NNW)
Rain Rate 0.0 mm/hr


Since Midnight
High Temperature
Low Temperature
16.8°C at 00:00:02
15.5°C at 02:06:41
High Heat Index
Low Wind Chill
16.9°C at 00:00:02
15.5°C at 02:06:41
High Humidity
Low Humidity
89% at 00:00:02
87% at 00:43:24
High Dewpoint
Low Dewpoint
15.0°C at 00:00:02
13.7°C at 02:59:05
High Barometer
Low Barometer
1008.8 hPa at 00:27:01
1007.8 hPa at 03:27:01
Today's Rain 0.0 mm
High Rain Rate 0.0 mm/hr at 00:00:02
High Wind 10 knots from 270° at 02:39:00
Average Wind 4 knots
RMS Wind 5 knots
Vector Average Speed
Vector Average Direction
4 knots


About this weather station:
Latitude: 51° 42.27' N
Longitude: 008° 31.57' W
Altitude: 33 meters

The weather station uses Davis hardware and an experimental weather software system.

Beir Bua Ukraine!

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Today's Almanac
Start civil twilight: 06:22:58
Sunrise: 06:57:58
Transit: 13:31:35
Sunset: 20:04:09
End civil twilight: 20:39:00
Azimuth: 37.0°
Altitude: -26.3°
Right ascension: 167.1°
Declination: 5.5°
Equinox: 09/22/24 13:43:29
Solstice: 12/21/24 09:20:18
Rise: 12:55:41
Transit: 17:16:32
Set: 21:27:20
Azimuth: 331.6°
Altitude: -54.0°
Right ascension: 217.0°
Declination: -18.3°
Full moon: 09/18/24 03:34:21
New moon: 10/02/24 19:49:11
Phase: Waxing crescent
(21% full)
temperatures heatchill rain wind barometer Hi Wind Wind Vector day rx percent